The death of a legend: Black Magic Estonia

Before we start, let me introduce you to Black Magic Estonia in case you haven’t heard of it yet. Black Magic Estonia was a venue and an association of a group of like-minded people from Tallinn with a specific focus on Black Metal. For most outsiders it served mainly as a place to witness amazing underground concerts or a place to continue after the official program of Howls of Winter has finished.
As Vincent Arkhanum, one of their last active members, put it:
“The place was not meant to be just a place for underground concerts and events, but as a place for Black Metal enthusiasts to chill- and hangout while keeping the heart of Black Metal in place.”
Founded in 2012 by a couple of enthusiasts, it was not only a hangout but a place for the local Black Metal community to connect and celebrate the way Underground music was supposed to be. Many might know it as the location where the legendary Howls of Winter afterparties, which rarely ended before 5 or 6 in the morning, took place. It felt exactly like the extended living room where you could meet up with friends and have a beer or a hundred. I will miss the conversations which mentioned that “in Tallinn we have BME, in Tartu you have Pergerus.”
On 13.12.2024 the last gathering took place in the venue to which the club moved only in 2021. Now Black Magic Estonia is no longer.
There were reasons why BME came to an end. If you want to know them, you best ask the people involved but from what I gathered it is a combination of many things. First of all, ask yourself when you have been there the last time, supporting a concert or have you ever helped tidying up the place? When BME started, there was not much to do – nowadays there are so many concerts and venues you can visit that a place run by enthusiasts is difficult to sustain, especially when there are other things in life that become more important the older you get. In times of the internet it is also challenging to compete and the Black Magic Estonia page with over 1200 followers was also inaccessible due to facebook being a bitch. It is also the reason why you most likely haven’t heard of its end.
Overall, let us not mourn but express gratitude for what the people have done the last 12 years, let us remember the good times and maybe also share them with them. Because when you do things for free, the only and best “reward” you get is when others are grateful for what you do. Unfortunately we are usually taking everything for granted and quite often do not appreciate what we have. We mourn the dead instead of celebrating the living. Maybe there will be something new rising from the ashes, who knows. But it won’t be the same.
Therefore, we invite everyone to share their memories either directly to the people involved or on this page so that at least something remains, we will then forward them.
Huge thank you to everyone who was involved in BME, all your time and energy which you put in! Thank you for inviting bands from Tartu, for all the great moments we had and I am sure we will stay in contact and meet again!
Testimonials following:
Such a great time was had and I'm really sad it won't be there when I visit next year.
Anyway, it seems to me that if you want to try new things on stage, then BME is the right place.
We are connected by similar journeys in musical darklands, organizing concerts and other events – in which we support each other – as well as by friend- and kinship. BME is a place, where perhaps I don’t end up as often as I should (yes, Tallinn is as far from Tartu as Tartu from Tallinn... So, very far indeed), but I am not exaggerating by stating that every visit has been rejuvenating and inspiring. BME is herded by devoted people, who breath dark essence and have liquid fire flowing through the veins.
They already have had time to shape Estonian metal-history by their hand and they keep doing it in the future for sure. In Black Metal – especially in Estonian black metal – it is not easy to keep the community running, because usually stubborn-minded hermits who are not ready for any compromises or communal activities, are dedicated to that controversial genre. Hail to the BME, who has kept the livelyhood of brother- and sisterhood, despite all odds. I remember one party about ten years ago in the old rooms of BME, where after several hours of delightful chilling, I couldn’t get away from that place. I told the people goodbye many times, but only after third round I managed to escape. So strong was the bond between me and the club and people there. Be this shatter of memory a proof of BME having some sort of unearhtly attraction amongst the dark hearts of the Eastern shore of the Baltic Sea on the start of the 3rd millenium.
Deep in my memory there is a vivid picture of the first time going from Howls (of winter) to afterparty. We were in tapper as long as the hospitality went, then flowed that dark horde through the door, a brief smoke pause on the stairs and then the whole black crowd of hair proceeded on foot through the city, direction set on BME. Half way there we had a mandatory pause in the petrol station, which could have been an interesting sight. The hike was quite long, but the will was strong and perhaps we all had already lifted our moods by that time. On location there was a cozy feeling: Candles and a red couch, crawling over each other, minimalistic toilet and the conversations. Kinda like a house party, when someone’s parents are away, but in a very special atmosphere. There is no place in that city made out of concrete, that would be more homely.
BME was more than a simple place where meet people – it gave a good feeling for Howls of Winter, where everyone met after the concert and good memories were born.
Tallinn without BME is like pizza without cheese - it looks similar, but something very important is missing.